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A podcast about topics in game design featuring the many people who come together to make games possible.

Oct 29, 2018

Kyle Ferrin, illustrator of Root and Vast, joined me to talk about his process for creating art for board games. He details how he got into board game art and how he uses art in other areas of his life. We also discuss some of his influences.

Raccoon by Alexander Skowalsky from the Noun Project

Sep 22, 2018

Adam Rebotarro, co-creator and artist for Sentinels of the Multiverse, joined me to talk about his growth as an artist. We focused on how he reacted to unwanted criticism and how he turned that into a drive to become a better artist. We also discuss some of our complaints about the modern comic industry.

Superhero by...

Sep 13, 2018

Nikki Valens, designer of Eldritch Horror, Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed., and Legacy of Dragonholt joined me to talk about updating old editions and infusing story into games. We even discuss some games we both enjoy that have nothing to do with what she designed.

Book Icon by Cantasia from the Noun Project

Aug 25, 2018

Ken Spencer, creator of Rocket Age, joined the show to discuss his tabletop role playing game Rocket Age. This game is set in a 1938 that never was full of spaceships and aliens and exciting action. The game uses the vortex system to increase the cinematic feel of the game. We discussed the virtues of the vortex system...

Jul 16, 2018

Erica Bouyouris, designer of Roar!, joined me to talk about her game Roar, her introduction to the hobby game world, and her experiences within that world. This conversation went all over the place, and Erica was a fount of knowledge and advice. I enjoyed having her on the show.

Credit: Canadian flag icon by Loic Poivet...