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A podcast about topics in game design featuring the many people who come together to make games possible.

Apr 17, 2020

John Vallerand, designer of the upcoming Cartographia and With a Smile and Gun, joined me to talk about games with variable setup. John lays out the 4 ways that this variety can take shape in a game and 3 ways variety helps players.

Credits: icon created by priyanka at noun project

Apr 15, 2020

Jeff Warrender and Jonny Pac joined me for a discussion about designing goals and objectives in games. We looked at the importance of mechanical and narrative goals and how those help keep the players engaged and focused. We reference Jeff's upcoming book, You Said This Would Be Fun a bunch.

Credits: soccer goal by...

Apr 13, 2020

If you ever found yourself wondering what the Romans have ever done for you, this episode is the right one for you. In this episode, I have Gary and Steve, 2/3rds of the Ragnar Brothers, on to talk about their latest, and potentially last game, The Romans. Their career has spanned 30 years, and it seems fitting that...