Feb 11, 2019
Jamey Stegmaier, designer of Wingspan and owner of Stonemaier Games, joined me to expand on his blog post about print runs. We explored how a publisher goes about deciding on a print run size, when a publisher executes a reprint, and more.
print by Ben Davis from the Noun Project
run by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project
Feb 11, 2019
Mike Gnade, designer of Maximum Apocalypse, joined me to discuss his game. We spoke quite at length about Maximum Apocalypse exploring all facets of the game's creation, theme, and mechanics.
Mushroom Cloud by Martin Smith from the Noun Project
Feb 5, 2019
Daniel Newman, designer of Dead Man's Cabal, joined me to talk about his game up on Kickstarter now from Pandasaurus Games. We talked about the uniqueness of the theme and stages it went through to become what it is today.
If you like the game and want to back it, check out the Kickstarter page.
Credit: Skull by...