Apr 23, 2018
Seth Jafee, designer and co-founder of TMG, joined me to discuss game development, design, end game mechanics, and TMG's 10 year anniversary celebration coming up. It was an incredibly interesting conversation that should be of interest to many listeners.
TMG is celebrating their 10 year anniversary with a re-release of...
Apr 11, 2018
Matt Quock, designer of The Primary, joined the show to discuss his game that tackles the US primary system in a light-hearted and apolitical fashion. The game puts players in the roles of nondescript candidates who are seeking to become the nominee for their party. The game uses programmed actions and area control...
Apr 10, 2018
Bez, designer of Wibbell++ and Yogi, joined the show to talk about her arc as a designer and the story of her games. Bez has had quite a direction and plan for herself as a designer and it was interesting to have her on the show to learn more about that. This one is long, so buckle up and make sure one card touches your...