Sep 24, 2022
Another ska-cast is back from Who, What, Why! This time I invited on Crystal Mazur who's been on my show to talk about games, but now she helps me talk about ska. We look at some of the ways ska music shows up in all sorts of media from movies to commercials.
Check out Crystal's work at The Geeky...
Apr 30, 2022
Listening to music on your discman or Zune might seem like the pinacle experience, but nothing beats being at a live show. In this episode, I talk about some of my favorite venues that I've been to over the years. What are some of your favorite venues to see your favorite bands? Tweet at me to share. @whowhatwhycast
Feb 27, 2022
Another episode of Why Ska?! Why are you all so lucky? My friend from college, Jon, joins me to reminisce about a New Paltz local ska band we used to see in all sorts of venues: college cafeterias, other college campuses, on my final college radio show, etc. We were excited when we discovered this band because it was...
Feb 18, 2022
In this second episode, I wanted to provide a bit of context for those who may not know how ska has been informing Who, What, Why for quite a while now. This is also a chance for me to give some public credit to the Mexican ska bands that have helped give me some kick ass intro and outro music.
Jan 29, 2022
This is a new sub-podcast to celebrate my other love: ska music. In this episode I explore my anti-ska phase in high school and some of the reasons behind that phase.