Oct 28, 2014
This episode features myself, Alex, John (designer of Venus Needs Men), and Alec of the Westchester Gaming Group and organizer of our local WGG Con playing Alien Frontiers at 4 a.m. after nearly everyone has left the con. As we play the game we discuss things that happened at the con. I hope you enjoy us playing a game and talking about games.
Editor's Note: all of the die rolling sounds are fake.
New Editor's Post-note: the previous editor has been sacked for his poorly executed joke. Please accept this knock-knock joke in recompense.
Knock-knock? ... brown worker tokens from Puerto Rico ...
New New Editor's Post-post-note: we at Who, What, Why? apologize for this even less funny second editor. He has been sacked and replaced by 142 whooping llamas.