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A podcast about topics in game design featuring the many people who come together to make games possible.

May 30, 2021

Wu-Tang is for the children, but this episode is not for the children. Matt Fantastic joined me to talk game design and a lot of other topics that are not for the faint of heart. We've known each other for a whole bunch of years. I had a ton of fun recording this one.

Credits: Freddie Mercury by James Fenton from the...

May 24, 2021

You wanted more content?! Well, I have more content for you. Expansions! More content. Add to your game. Which expansion is necessary? Why make them? When to make them? Julian Steindorfer, Ode, and Jonny Pac join me again to talk about expansion content from the perspective of both designers and publishers.


May 17, 2021

Sarah Sayles of Big Girl Games and Sarah Shah (aka Puffindor) joined me to talk about what I'm calling socially conscious design. Games that have some kind of real world implications beyond just an immersive setting. We explore some of the ways that these designs can be challenging and rewarding.

Credit: world by...

May 13, 2021

Doug Cole, owner of Gaming Ballistic and publisher of the Nordlond RPG series, joined me to talk about his latest product called Delvers to Grow. Sometimes one of the stumbling blocks to bringing new players into RPGs can be the setup time. We discussed the importance of shortening the time it takes to get new...

May 10, 2021

Cédrick Chaboussit, designer of upcoming games Glow (Lueur), Lost Explorers, Shamans, and more, joined me to talk about his upcoming games and the process behind their designs. We focused on how he took very simple inspirations and turned them into interesting games. Also, death... what do I mean? You have to listen to...