Sep 24, 2016
Who, What, Why presents our twenty-seventh episode of Designing Games with Game Designers featuring Anne-Marie and Justin DeWitt, co-founders of Fireside Games and designers of the Panic series of games. In this episode we discussed the what a Castle Panic Legacy game might look like.
Sep 17, 2016
Castle Panic, Dead Panic, Munchkin Panic, Star Trek Panic! Everybody panic! This episode features designer Justin DeWitt and Anne-Marie DeWitt, co-owners of Fireside Games and publishers of the ever-growing Panic line of games. We invited them on the show to learn more about where the Panic games came from and how...
Sep 13, 2016
Who, What, Why presents our twenty-sixth episode of Designing Games with Game Designers featuring Jamey Stegmaier, co-founder of Stonemaier, and designer of games like Euphoria and Scythe. In this episode we discussed the prospect of designing an MMO tabletop game and what that might look like.
Sep 7, 2016
Jamey Stegmaier, co-founder of Stonemaier Games and designer of Scythe, joins us to talk about his mega-hit game that both earned Stonemaier a huge sum via Kickstarter and debuted to a sellout at 2016's GenCon. We discuss the game as a 4x game the controversy that surrounds that categorization. We also talk about how...