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A podcast about topics in game design featuring the many people who come together to make games possible.

May 17, 2016

Stronghold Games burst onto the scene in 2009 with reprints of Code 777 and Survive: Escape from Atlantis. Now 7 years later Stronghold Games has so many titles under its belt, even a game with of its own namesake (Stronghold from Ignacy Trzewicek). One of the initiatives Stronghold Games has embarked on over the last few years has been creating partnerships with foreign publishers like Artipia and Eggertspiel to bring over games that North American gamers had to previously acquire from Essen or We had a chat with Stephen about how he considers games for his company and why he builds so many partnerships with foreign publishers. I reveal a story about the first time Stephen asked to be on my podcast (Ninja vs. Pirates). Oh, how young and stubborn I was.

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