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A podcast about topics in game design featuring the many people who come together to make games possible.

Dec 2, 2019

Kathleen Mercury, teacher and board game designer, joined me to discuss gaming in the classroom. We focused on how she first started weaving gaming into her classroom and more importantly how she inspires students to design. She's awesome.

Oct 27, 2019

Mike Meyer, designer of many RPG supplements including the latest Vast Kaviya, joined me to discuss what goes into designing a supplement for an existing IP. We specifically discussed his latest endeavor, which is a sword & sorcery world filled with barbarism and dinosaurs.

If this sounds like something of interest to...

Aug 28, 2019

Unlike lots of world maps, I did not leave New Zealand off my show. Shem Phillips, designer of the Raiders series and upcoming West Kingdom series, joined me to talk about his approach to game design and his many trilogies. It was an interesting look at someone who has a clear vision for his designs and company.


Jul 29, 2019

Dan Letzring and Nicholas Yu joined me to talk about their game Adventure Tactics Domianne's Tower. This is a deck-building board game homage to Final Fantasy Tactics, an amazing game from the PS1 era. We discussed how this game built a vibrant class system in the style of FFT among other topics.

Credits: adventure by...

Jul 23, 2019

Alexander Argyropoulis, founder of Mage Company, joined me to talk about sleeve production and the intricacies that go into producing sleeves and distinguishing one's company among the rest. Alex also talked about the various lessons he has learned over the last few years running Kickstarter campaigns.

Credit: sleeve by...