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A podcast about topics in game design featuring the many people who come together to make games possible.

Dec 28, 2014

Tower of Madess designed by Curt Covert from Smirk and Dagger Games is a mash-up of Kerplunk and Elder Sign. This game is a prototype that has not yet been produced but absolutely should be produced. It is light and silly chaotic fun set in the world of Cthuhlu. Each player takes on the role of an investigator trying to...

Dec 16, 2014

The Supershow is a high-intensity, unpredictable card game like the exciting world of the wrestling that it draws its theme and mechanics from. The game bills itself as the world's first UCG (unpredictable card game). Players choose to compete as wrestlers from the Legendary Fighting Federation in the SRG Universe or as...

Oct 28, 2014

This episode features myself, Alex, John (designer of Venus Needs Men), and Alec of the Westchester Gaming Group and organizer of our local WGG Con playing Alien Frontiers at 4 a.m. after nearly everyone has left the con. As we play the game we discuss things that happened at the con. I hope you enjoy us playing a game...

Oct 16, 2014

I say 'nerd' as a term of endearment because I've been enjoying listening to Alex's trip to GenCon. Now everyone gets to listen to the group's trip home on the long drive from Indianapolis, IN to Westchester, NY. Alex and co. recap their experiences at GenCon and generally enjoy themselves on their long trip home.


Oct 2, 2014

Quantum brings the 4x experience to the tabletop without engulfing other games in its wake of space exploration and expansion. The game pairs down the experience in every way possible without losing the essence of the 4x game. Players take on the roles of fleet commanders bent on controlling the cosmos by placing their...